Failure-resilient, energy-aware, and explainable deployment of microservice-based applications over Cloud-IoT infrastructures


FREEDA is a research project funded by the MUR (Italy) under the framework PRIN 2022, which is co-funded by Next Generation EU until January 2026.

The main aim of FREEDA is to support DevOps engineers in achieving failure-resilient and sustainable deployments of microservice-based application over the Cloud-IoT computing continuum.


Holistic MSA Deployment

Develop techniques to determine a suitable trade-off among the deployment requirements of the to-be-deployed microservice-based application.

Continuous Reasoning

Develop continuous reasoning-based techniques to timely adapt the deployment of a microservice-based application over a Cloud-IoT infrastructure.

Failure Resilience Enhancement

Develop explainable techniques to enhance failure resilience when deploying microservice-based applications over Cloud-IoT infrastructures.

Reduction of Environmental Impact

Develop explainable techniques for reducing brown energy consumption when deploying a microservice-based application over a Cloud-IoT infrastructure.


Università di Pisa
Logo dell'Università di Pisa

Principal Investigator:

Jacopo Soldani

Università di Bologna
Logo dell'Università di Bologna


Roberto Amadini

Politecnico di Milano


Monica Vitali